Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Its going to be a theme month here on Refuge Creative.... makeovers! I love themes... so I am pumped to try this out. Mostly I plan to just show pictures of my home. I saved the real estate pictures from way back when we bought the house, so I'll post those with the a few process picture and how it looks now. There may be a few other random things made over... we will see.
But I've been pretty sick recently, so you may have to wait a while till my next post.

hmm... with this last sentence I wrote I got a little curious with who the 'you' might be, so before I leave you with one great make over picture, I'll just say that if anyone (besides my mom) reads this blog feel free to leave a comment and let me know your reading.


  1. i'm here.
    love brittany

  2. I am also here! Got keep up with what's going on in the 'peg somehow!
