is thinking about... counter tops. Pricing out quartz for upstairs, I've probably looked at 5 different places.
is thinking about... painting. I can't do it : (
is thinking about... getting all the paperwork done for the govenment grant we applied for. I just found a lawyer!
is thinking about... our delayed flooring!
is thinking about... the appliances I need to research and decide on.
is thinking about... making sure my two year old is still having a fun summer.
is thinking about... the little details that need to be addressed and how much time they will take! (Lighting in kitchen cabinets, putting on the suite entrance doors, fixing the bulk head so the cabinet trim doesn't go past it, installing our new washing machine and dryer!)
is thinking about... moving upstairs (out of our basement suite) and getting the bedrooms ready.
is think about... when will we get to the outside of our house! Our yard needs to be cleaned of construction stuff, then graded, then window wells, then piles for front and side steps and back deck, then grass! Oh yeah, and the small job of siding our house.
My mind is always thinking!
Did I mention I have about 6 weeks until we are expecting a new baby!
I think one stress blog is allowed: )